Musings, Reflections and Introspections
Life is truly a wonder…
Moon in Sagittarius + Galactic Center square Jupiter in Pisces
Moon in Sag is on a vision quest, exploring ideas, philosophy, nature, intuition.
Galactic Center is a portal for Cosmic Consciousness and Universal Wisdom.
Jupiter is the mindset, belief system, cosmic lawyer, teacher and guru of the Zodiac. he rules both Sag and Pisces, and is moving verrrrry slowly now that’s he’s stationed direct again...
Uranus + Mars Square Jupiter
today, Uranus, the great awakener and planet of revolution, is squaring Jupiter, planet of expansion and ruler of the higher mind. Uranus is also rubbing elbows with fiery Mars, the warrior, masculine,
life force.
this energy may be disruptive, eruptive, erratic, erotic. it may foster breakdowns, breakthroughs, break ups... i imagine we would all be well served to intentionally channel this electric (Uranus) energy to open the third eye (Jupiter), sink deeper into the body, and anchor at the root (Mars).
Cancer Full Moon
“...grow into our light bodies by letting go and allowing the natural cycles and energies to trigger growth as if we were plants. by not trying to discover the dark while in the Sun, or trying to find light in the night, life is easier.”
~Richard Gerber, M.D.
an incredibly fitting collection of words to describe tonite’s Cancer Full Moon. square Chiron, the shaman centaur and world-bridger, this moon likely has you touching the Mother Wound: abandonment, betrayal of Self, the illusion of separation made manifest in 3D.
June 7, 2019: Mars conjunct North Node, oppose Pluto and Saturn
Mars, the fiery planet of action, immature masculine, warrior of the zodiac is quite disruptive in Cancer; the sign of the crab: the Mother, intuition, compassion. this energetic signature is dualistic/polarizing in nature -- Mars and Cancer archetypes are essentially energetic opposites.
the Gemini New Moon set this month's tone, asking us to get into clear alignment with that which resonates as TRUTH for us...