Uranus + Mars Square Jupiter


it’s written in your heart how to love
and your destiny is on your brow
the answers you seek are all around
all you have to do is bow
~Ajeet Kaur, Jo To Prem

...when i sing the mantra Jo To Prem, i imagine touching my forehead to the ground to clear and open the third eye.

today, Uranus, the great awakener and planet of revolution, is squaring Jupiter, planet of expansion and ruler of the higher mind. Uranus is also rubbing elbows with fiery Mars, the warrior, masculine,
life force.

this energy may be disruptive, eruptive, erratic, erotic. it may foster breakdowns, breakthroughs, break ups... i imagine we would all be well served to intentionally channel this electric (Uranus) energy to open the third eye (Jupiter), sink deeper into the body, and anchor at the root (Mars).

it’s imperative that we, as a collective, bring the heart of the lion into the dawning Age of Aquarius. the body IS the technology... your genius activates and orients the vessel. without heart, we are likely to devlove deeper into a 3D metallic matrix. this is the time to choose, create, dream a new reality into existence. tap into future you, and allow your Highest Self to guide the way.

this gorgeous piece is called “Jupiter’s Butterflies” by @ecmazurart. i love it so much! incredibly fitting for this transit. thank you 🏻🦋


Reinvention, Disruption, Transformation


Commanding Presence