Musings, Reflections and Introspections

Life is truly a wonder…

Astrology, consciousness Beck Shanks Astrology, consciousness Beck Shanks

Moon in Sagittarius + Galactic Center square Jupiter in Pisces

Moon in Sag is on a vision quest, exploring ideas, philosophy, nature, intuition.

Galactic Center is a portal for Cosmic Consciousness and Universal Wisdom.

Jupiter is the mindset, belief system, cosmic lawyer, teacher and guru of the Zodiac. he rules both Sag and Pisces, and is moving verrrrry slowly now that’s he’s stationed direct again...

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Astrology, consciousness Beck Shanks Astrology, consciousness Beck Shanks

Saturn in Aquarius opposite Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Saturn square Uranus/Nodes is the karmic past clashing w the awakened future. Saturn's energy binds; it gives the formless form, much like gravity.

Moon in Leo wants to create from the heart, through the eyes of the divine child... Saturn in Aqu boundaries consciousness to form the energetic container that holds Moon in Leo's heartfelt creation.

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Astrology Beck Shanks Astrology Beck Shanks

Moon + Mars rx in Gemini square Jupiter rx + Neptune rx in Pisces

Jupiter and Neptune are the traditional and modern rulers of Pisces, which deepens the emotional waves and strengthens their vibrations. Moon, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter are in a t-square with the Galactic Center (27 Sagittarius), the Womb of Creation.

...i see the Spider Grandmother casting the web of time from within that massive black hole, as the planets in our solar system orchestrate the unfolding of the Universe/YOUniverse.

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Astrology Beck Shanks Astrology Beck Shanks

Taurus Full Moon Eclipse

Taurus Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse + Uranus square Saturn in Aquarius

  • Taurus = values, physical vessel, rules the throat;

  • Full Moon = release;

  • eclipse = reset

  • Uranus = future, breakthrough

  • Saturn = karmic past, limitation

  • Aquarius = interdependence, innovation, rules the circulatory system

…releasing an addiction to feeling bad and a nasty sugar habit. embracing the sweetness of life.

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Dance of Venus: Crown Chakra Activation

For days, Venus has been parked at 11 Capricorn, activating the 38th Gene Key, which "....can be a very dark place within the genetic matrix because it represents a primal energy whose main instinct when threatened is aggression. In animals, this natural ferocity is embodied in the behaviour of a mother when her cubs are threatened. As this aspect of DNA developed in human beings it became the foundation of the evolutionary law of the survival of the fittest."

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Venus RX In Capricorn

For eons, attuning to nature's rhythms, incorporating planetary cycles into ritualized practice, and creating community through ceremony has strengthened our connection to Self, Source, and the Earth Mother. Each month, as reflected in Sumerian mythology, Venus meets the Crescent Moon to create an energetic gate. These "gates" subconsciously resonate our energetic/chakra system, serving as portals through which the creative, intuitive, healing aspect of consciousness may empower and activate our energy bodies.

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The Dance of Venus: Inanna's Descent

I began communing directly with planets after Venus came to me as Aphrodite in association with the Judgement card from the Shadow Scapes Tarot. I was guided to create the Self as Sacred, so Venus, the archetype of the feminine, might manifest through me.

…I had an incredibly difficult time accepting I was “talking” to a planet, as the intuitives around me shared personal experiences with Spirit Guides, Angels, Deceased Loved Ones and Ascended Masters. Once I began studying the movements of Venus, a 19-month cycle where the Queen of Heaven meets the Sun

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Solar Plexus Empowerment with Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an E, which resonates the solar plexus and Sun.

to empower the solar plexus, become mindful of where you spend energy. choose to establish boundaries where it is leaking or siphoned. perhaps make this an exercise in understanding what is valued, both consciously AND unconsciously: we PAY attention.

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