Moon + Mars rx in Gemini square Jupiter rx + Neptune rx in Pisces

  • Moon = emotional body, heart chakra

  • Mars = life force, desire, masculine,root chakra

  • Gemini = perception, connection, communication, the stories we tell about our lives

  • Jupiter = mindset, belief system, faith, abundance, third eye

  • Neptune = imagination, Akasha, fantasy, dissolution, Soul Star

  • Pisces = the Galactic Sea, healing, compassion, collective unconscious

Jupiter and Neptune are the traditional and modern rulers of Pisces, which deepens the emotional waves and strengthens their vibrations. Moon, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter are in a t-square with the Galactic Center (27 Sagittarius), the Womb of Creation.

...i see the Spider Grandmother casting the web of time from within that massive black hole, as the planets in our solar system orchestrate the unfolding of the Universe/YOUniverse.


Saturn in Aquarius opposite Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


Taurus Full Moon Eclipse