Presents of Mind

Presents of Mind

Past Life Regression Services in Atlanta, GA


As far as the subconscious is concerned, everything that’s ever happened is happening right now… time is a construct of mind. This means there are parts of you back there in the past having hard experiences now; there’s no place to “go,” only one, ever-changing present moment to sink into. Past life regression serves to locate, liberate and re-member splintered aspects of Self once captivated in other places and spaces, dimensions of time.

Ancient alchemists sought to transmute lead into gold; to shift the frequency of matter by interacting with the quantum field, turning the base substance of who we are — the dark mystery of the subconscious — into the alchemical gold of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. In applying quantum theory to the nature of mind, holding space for emotional processing and healing energy, the body’s vibration literally shifts to a higher, more refined frequency such that humans awaken and emerge from the Dark Night of the Soul as multi-dimensional, psychically sensitive beings re-membering themselves wholly — Holy — in the now.

Create sacred space inside of Self to embody inspiration and intuition, develop energetic integrity, and marry the inner Sacred Masculine and Feminine; honor, contain, create with kundalini energy, while releasing the conditioned inclination to control or deny Her. I also do my best to speak directly to the subconscious; it’s ok if you don’t exactly know what any of the aforementioned means… egos know things… this is about unlearning, unbecoming, reclaiming the courage to stand at the precipice of the Great UNknown, feeeeeeel through life’s experiences, empower and rewrite personal mythology.

Safely unravel generational trauma.

Step out of victim consciousness.

Communicate authentically and live from the heart

Learn to trust Self, intuition, the Feminine.

Reclaim abandoned, repressed, disassociated, projected aspects.

Embody inspiration and intuition.

Develop energetic integrity.

Reunite the Sacred Masculine and Feminine inside of Self.

Align with natural time.

Incorporate planetary cycles into ritualized practice.

Strengthen connection to Self, Source, and the Earth Star.

Alchemize density, distill subtle bodies, reclaim and integrate splintered aspects of Soul.

Safely unravel generational trauma. Step out of victim consciousness. Communicate authentically and live from the heart Learn to trust Self, intuition, the Feminine. Reclaim abandoned, repressed, disassociated, projected aspects. Embody inspiration and intuition. Develop energetic integrity. Reunite the Sacred Masculine and Feminine inside of Self. Align with natural time. Incorporate planetary cycles into ritualized practice. Strengthen connection to Self, Source, and the Earth Star. Alchemize density, distill subtle bodies, reclaim and integrate splintered aspects of Soul.

I incorporate an expanded, extra-dimensional perspective, piercing Plutonian presence, and a whole lotta intuition into each session. In our time together, we are likely to explore inner child healing, shadow work, parts integration, Soul retrieval. Past life regression services integrate energy medicine, bioacoustics, astrology, sound and crystal healing; foster, establish, enhance connection to the Highest Self and your unique energetic support team of Guides, Ancestors, Angels, Ascended Masters, Deceased Loved Ones, Beings of Light; re-write/dissolve karmic/Soul contracts, clear curses, remove implants and entities, sever energetic cords of fear and attachment, may incorporate dreamwork.

Time is little more than a construct of mind… when in state of hypnosis, the timeline that is you expands, and the quantum field of potential presents. With guidance, presence and safely held space, it is possible to access the Soul’s timeline and attune to the cosmic clock to access a much, MUCH larger span of time. Past life regression services deepen consciousness into theta, which often affords direct access to The Subconscious, the part of you that simultaneously evolves and re-members all dimensions of space and time. Some people refer to this knowing, or memory as the Akashic Record.


Correlate past/parallel life experiences, liberate stuck energy, attune to the Soul’s Blueprint, unravel patterns and collapses quantum timelines. Memories surface for resolution and integration in the present, connecting dots and fostering healing between past and present incarnations. Re-member yourself wholly/Holy, and invite all of You — from across all dimensions of spacetime — to gently anchor into this present now-moment. $325


Also offered as part of a three session package, Past Life Integration includes 1 Quantum Healing Hypnosis session + 1 Past Life Regression + 1 Alchemical Sound Healing: in-depth interview, inner child journey and age regression therapy, guided emotional processing, energy alchemy; past life regression therapy, subconscious clearing, Higher Self healing, external processing and integration; upgrade bandwidth, clear energetic channels, shake loose all that is unlike your path, more fully awaken. $750