Quantum Healing Sessions + Packages

Quantum. Healing. Hypnosis.

I see clients virtually via Zoom, as well as in-person at Nectar Yoga in East Atlanta. All healing sessions serve to release subconscious patterns and blockages, regulate emotional response, receive the messages the body seeks to convey, as well as deepen into intuitive knowing and inner resources.

Individual Sessions


Consider trapped, unprocessed life experiences held within the subconscious mind, cellular structure, emotional and energy bodies are the source of dis-ease, discomfort and disharmony. This holistic therapy incorporates principles of hypnosis, Reiki energy, alchemy, meditation, sound healing, astrology and active imagination to release all that no longer serves: patterns, habits, trauma, PTSD, toxicity, addiction, chronic emotional/physical pain. Each 1.5-hour session includes education about mind and energy, as well as a 20-minute hypnotic recording with crystal singing bowl accompaniment. $325


Correlate past/parallel life experiences, liberate stuck energy, attune to the Soul’s Blueprint, unravel patterns and collapse quantum timelines. Memories surface for resolution and integration in the present, connecting dots and fostering healing between past and present incarnations. Re-member yourself wholly/Holy, and invite all of You — from across all dimensions of spacetime — to gently anchor into this present now-moment. $325


Reiki gently bubbles captivated energy, repressed memories and emotions to the surface for release or integration. Each 60-minute Energy Alchemy session calls upon Reiki, the Elements, and the Cosmos to foster a deeper connection to the intelligence in and around all life. Clear the subconscious, soothe/upgrade the neurological system, embody planetary activations, release all that no longer serves. $200


Vibrate into harmonic resonance with the Cosmos as the celestial sounds of Crystal Tones® alchemy singing bowls balance and purify your entire Being. Relax out of the mind and into the heart to upgrade bandwidth, clear energetic channels, shake loose all that is unlike your path, and more fully awaken into the now. Each Sound Alchemy session includes guided intention-setting; 45-minute, Reiki-infused, starseeded alchemical sound healing meditation; clear quartz crystal point directly from Wegner Mine in Arkansas; live-recording to captivate the energetic transmission. $250


Three Session Packages


There is a part of you who wants to stop participating in outmoded, toxic behaviors. There is another part who craves the very substances, relationships, emotional reactions you consciously recognize as “toxic.” Bring opposing aspects of self into alignment to release addictive behaviors, thoughts, patterns.

Employ principles of clinical hypnotherapy, quantum healing hypnosis technique, sound alchemy, Reiki energy healing, active imagination to create peace of mind, relax into the heart, release triggers and find comfort in the present moment. Cultivate the optimal state for healing and release chronic emotional and physical pain*, looping thoughts and trauma responses.

Includes Quantum Healing Hypnosis (1.5-hours) + 2 Tune Ups (1-hour each): in-depth personal interview, inner child journey, regression therapy, guided emotional processing, held space for spiritual alchemy and integration. $750


Quantum Healing expands the auric field, while creating energetic space — space between thoughts, between word and action, more illuminated space in the physical body. Integrate and embody potential using tools introduced during your session.

Includes Quantum Healing Hypnosis + Alchemical Sound Healing + Embodied Astrological Support: develop presence, expand the heartspace, create safety in the present moment; soothe the nervous system, enhance energetic bandwidth with crystal singing bowls; clear the way to embody astrological energies with a custom-tailored prescription for vibrational medicine. $750


Correlate past/parallel life experiences, liberate crystallized energy, attune to the Soul’s Blueprint, unravel patterns and collapse quantum timelines. Memories surface for resolution and integration in the present, connecting dots and fostering healing between past and present incarnations. Reclaim splintered aspects of Soul and invite all of You — from across all dimensions of spacetime — to anchor into this present now-moment. Create heartmind coherence and access the quantum field, command presence with intention and attention, re-member galactic ancestry and awaken latent DNA, embody the healer within.

Includes 1 Quantum Healing Hypnosis + 1 Past Life Regression + 1 Alchemical Sound Healing: in-depth interview, inner child journey, age regression therapy, guided emotional processing, held space for spiritual alchemy and integration; past life regression therapy, subconscious clearing, Higher Self healing, external processing and integration. $750