Commanding Presence


i don’t talk about my one-on-one practice here a whole lot. or really at all. ...probably bc Presents of Mind has undergone such a massive transformation that i’m no longer identified as a #hypnotherapist.

although i am that. and a quantum healer, astrologer, sound alchemist, starseed, tantrika, cosmic consort, channel... here to serve an awakening collective.

for the past year or so, i’ve been dreaming Sacred Humxn into existence. on my birthday in December, i birthed the website (; 1.11, held space in my virtual resonance chamber for the first time, and today, facilitated conversations between my client, an entity, extra-dimensional Beings and his Source ...all while we worked on commanding Presence.

...this is a little different from talking to inner children, teaching people how to feel feelings and the illusory, creative nature of time and “reality.”

in the end, i’m convinced i’m making it all up. and you are too....

remember this as we navigate the next few weeks: if you focus on shit, you’ll feel shitty. if you focus on connection to Self and Source, you’ll feel your connection to Self and Source. you decide where to focus.