Cancer Full Moon


“...grow into our light bodies by letting go and allowing the natural cycles and energies to trigger growth as if we were plants. by not trying to discover the dark while in the Sun, or trying to find light in the night, life is easier.”

~Richard Gerber, M.D.

an incredibly fitting collection of words to describe tonite’s Cancer Full Moon. square Chiron, the shaman centaur and world-bridger, this moon likely has you touching the Mother Wound: abandonment, betrayal of Self, the illusion of separation made manifest in 3D.

be gentle. lean into those compassionate, intuited, exalted Moon -in-Cancer waves.

and remember you are creating reality in the now with every thought you think, word you speak, action you take.

in Aquarius, Jupiter and Saturn will crystallize 5D consciousness in 3D awareness. a new belief system is necessary to operate the technology that IS your physical form — the body is an instrument. you are sacred AND human.


all the while, Neptune is sqauring Venus and the South Node: the feminine challenging delusion, harmonizing with fantasy, dissolving karma.

i’m feeling ACTIVATED and at home. present in my body. here and now. where I Am...


amazing capture of a beaming full moon in Richterswill, Switzerland by @art.of.yggdrasil


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