Musings, Reflections and Introspections
Life is truly a wonder…
Venus RX In Capricorn
For eons, attuning to nature's rhythms, incorporating planetary cycles into ritualized practice, and creating community through ceremony has strengthened our connection to Self, Source, and the Earth Mother. Each month, as reflected in Sumerian mythology, Venus meets the Crescent Moon to create an energetic gate. These "gates" subconsciously resonate our energetic/chakra system, serving as portals through which the creative, intuitive, healing aspect of consciousness may empower and activate our energy bodies.
The Dance of Venus: Inanna's Descent
I began communing directly with planets after Venus came to me as Aphrodite in association with the Judgement card from the Shadow Scapes Tarot. I was guided to create the Self as Sacred, so Venus, the archetype of the feminine, might manifest through me.
…I had an incredibly difficult time accepting I was “talking” to a planet, as the intuitives around me shared personal experiences with Spirit Guides, Angels, Deceased Loved Ones and Ascended Masters. Once I began studying the movements of Venus, a 19-month cycle where the Queen of Heaven meets the Sun
Reinvention, Disruption, Transformation
anyone else feel like they’ve been put through the ringer these past few days?
i can’t sleep.
life as i’ve known it no longer exists, as its former associations, identities, attachments burn away; as Soul connections and karmic contracts dissolve into the ether 🔥
Cancer Full Moon
“...grow into our light bodies by letting go and allowing the natural cycles and energies to trigger growth as if we were plants. by not trying to discover the dark while in the Sun, or trying to find light in the night, life is easier.”
~Richard Gerber, M.D.
an incredibly fitting collection of words to describe tonite’s Cancer Full Moon. square Chiron, the shaman centaur and world-bridger, this moon likely has you touching the Mother Wound: abandonment, betrayal of Self, the illusion of separation made manifest in 3D.