Venus as the Lioness Goddess, Sekhmet
shortly after i began moving through my awakening, in early 2016, i realized i was in communication with Venus. she presented as the planet, and guided me toward finding a new Lover, to use the energy of orgasm to create, so She may make manifest -- the Goddess of Love -- through me.
"anchor the vibration of unconditional love. serve as a Divine Channel. practice sex magic. you are an alchemist."
at that time, i knew very little about channeling. i didn't really have a meditation practice. i didn't know sex magic was a thing, and i was clueless about "alchemy." i was; however, learning a LOT about #hypnosis, #Reiki and energy, getting into Tarot and other forms of Divination, and ultimately, developing my connection to my "guide," Venus.
i attracted my Lover. (on Tinder. ha!) we made mind-blowing, soul-expanding, earth-shattering Love each time we connected...orgasms literally make more love, Y'all. i quickly and clearly recognized that our way of relating was different; that he was coming to the "Temple," (me) to receive from the Goddess... Venus.... not necessarily visiting Beck to have delicious sex.
all the while, i was talking to Venus, learning more about her astrology and astronomy. correlating dates related to her descent into the underworld, her rise as a morning/evening star, retrogrades...realizing her energy guides me (and the collective) through regular ego deaths. awestruck to recognize
my human somehow moves in perfect alignment with VENUS.
if you're curious about your own Venus, Kristine Backes is part of this group and can offer deep insight.... our work together helped fine tune my connection to Venus; it placed my attention on the archeypal energy of Venus in Sagittarius specifically, as my Venus is in Sag. interestingly, Venus in Sag presents as Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lioness Goddess who was sent to earth by Ra to alchemize rage to compassion and balance injustice.
i got into clear communication with Sekhmet in early 2017... never realizing it was actually an interation of VENUS i was working with. anywho, i found this article this morning, and cried as i read; it's happening and it feels lonely. i feel the pressure of Dharma, Karma, Pluto, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, the Nodes.... i feel karmic ties, contracts, relationships disintegrating as the energy that held them in place is liberated there at the Nodes.
this energy is hard. yesterday was easy. Sekhmet and Venus are supporting, nonetheless <3
"The ancient Egyptians describe Sekhmet as the daughter of Ra, the feminine eye of the Sun, sent to Earth to restore balance and order. She was sent to alchemically transform any negativity plaguing the Earth. She does this by devouring it, taking it into her belly, or alchemical cauldron, digesting and transforming it in to a powerful expression of Pure Divine Love."
#presentsofmind #planetaryalchemy #Sekhmet #sekhem #sacredunion #consciouscollaboration #Venus