Aquarius Full Moon
“Shatter my heart so a new room can be created for a Limitless Love.” ~Sufi prayer
Venus (beauty, harmony, the feminine) opposed Jupiter (expansion, cosmic wisdom), while last nite’s Full Moon at 1 Aquarius sandwiched between Saturn in Aqu and Pluto in Capricorn.
Moon feels; it is the heart chakra, astral/emotional body. Pluto is about surrender and our connection to the Earth Mother. Lord of the Underworld, Pluto is the crucible of transformation; he resonates the Earth chakra.
Saturn affords structure and gravity. Father Time, Lord Karma rules the crown chakra, and gives the formless form: what we focus on crystallizes in awareness to precipitate into the material realm (Capricorn).
and Capricorn, a feminine sign, has been effectively co-opted by the synthetic masculine; it is the place where the 3D reality is made manifest. Pluto is alchemizing collective outmoded ego structures — unearthing systemic racism, misogyny, patriarchy — while Saturn in Aqu is re-minding us that the body is the technology… awaken Sacred Humxn.
i imagine we are guided to anchor more deeply into our physical vessels to liberate and purify cellular memory, unravel latent DNA, activate Sacred Humxn. the trick is to discern where to take action. consider what WANTS to be done vs what your brain says needs to be, or should be done.
unplugging “shoulds” and “needs” helps us relax outta the headspace and analysis paralysis. this practice is also likely to gently deprogram internal patriarchy, along w the peanut gallery telling you what you should/need to do. moving toward Heart’s Desire in this way affords access, and devotes life force to the internal authority —> Saturn