Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse

Sagittarius New Moon Sacred Humxn.jpg

New Moon Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, square Neptune in Pisces

during eclipses, the light of the Sun, consciousness itself, is completely eclipsed. part of an 18.5-year cycle, eclipse season asks us to reboot and renew. in Sagittarius, the sign of faith and the higher mind, you may notice attention beginning to migrate from 3D (mental body) to 5D (heartspace); visioning a New Earth Collective, releasing distortion, maya, creating sacred space inside of self. some of us are seeing thru veil of illusion altogether.

we are creating collective coherence and deepening into the Mystery. surrender outmoded beliefs to expand into cosmic wisdom and harmonize with the High Heart. find stillness and listen closely as the whispers of HERstory emanate from the Galactic Womb.

i’m hearing “rebirth of the Solar Feminine” with this lunation... transmutation by fire. stay present to the gifts unfolding in this everchanging moment and allow healing to arise.

i’m hosting an alchemical sound healing Dec 24 in honor of Chiron, the star shaman and world-bridger, to help soothe the abandonment wound. as we navigate these incredibly strange holiDAZE, remember home is where the heart is, there’s no place like home, and the body is the Temple. we’ll chat more about these familiar isms during the sacred sound session. details to follow.

i’m not sure who created this awesome graphic. it was tagged @livinginmarsone, and so perfect for this New Moon.


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