Lemurian Seed Crystals, Crystalline Consciounsess

musings on connecting to Lemurian Seed crystals, astrological insight #presentsofmind #sacredhumxn #lemurian #starseed #consciousness #embodiment #tantra #hypnosis #quantumhealing

i have an incredible connection to crystals, especially Lemurian seeds. in this video, i expand on various astrological alingments and share a tiny bit about a fantastical experience with the Lemurian Seed friend with whom i reconnected in Ouray, CO…. what i didn’t share is that on the way back to the hotel in Grand Junction, CO, i intended to heal the fractures i could see/feel/sense in the crystal.

i once dated a man who suggested that which is broken in 3D is healed in Spirit. it wasn’t until the morning after i broke the crystal that i remembered this notion….

i believe this crystal was waiting for my frequency to activate and “heal.” if i am Lemurian, my vibration resonates with Lemuria, as we all as the resonant frequency of the crystal in hand; thus, much like a soprano can burst a wine glass by matching its resonant frequency, i was able to “bend” this one simply by introducing the gentle force of focused attention, intention and frequency into its field.



Autumnal Equinox Alchemical Sound Meditation


Stepping Out of Vicitim Consciousness