Integrated Astrology
Human is Sacred. Divine is Inside.
What if you are a star…being?
What if the physical vessel is a portal through which the Cosmos communicates with Mother Earth’s DNA?
What if outer space is actually the abyss of inner space?
What if you could tune into the sacred transmission broadcast by the planets and stars?
What if you’re a light beam emanating from a single Source and everything that’s ever happened is happening right now?
And what if that Source is hidden right there within the very core of Being, awaiting your intention, attention, desire to activate and re-member Truth?
The YOUniverse and SOULar System
Each moment in time, every Sentient Being has a unique energetic signature as imprinted by the astrology, encoded in the natal chart, and expressed by the DNA. I view the birth chart as a picture of a human’s frequency, "vibe," blueprint, as the relationships between natal planets and their placements afford deep insight into who you are, who you’ve been, and who you are becoming.
Consider you are the center of a unique, individuated YOUniverse. Because we experience 3D reality from an Earth-centric perspective, it appears as though Earth is the center of creation… the layers of the energy body, generated by the vortices created by the spin of each chakra, are like planetary bodies orbiting the core of Who You Are. Transiting planets activate the chakra system, trigger aspects of Self and psyche —the egoic “parts” referred to in Internal Family Systems— make manifest through you as the world stage.
Based on the principle that everything in the universe has a frequency, including our physical bodies, vibrational healing (AKA frequency, or energy medicine) restores balance and promotes well-being on all levels. Sound, crystals, Reiki/healing energy, hypnosis stimulate and harmonize the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to cultivate the optimal state for healing within the physical body.
With the natal chart as a map and transiting planets as guides, curate safe, inner space to embody planetary activations: alchemize density, distill subtle bodies, purify the field of consciousness that is YOU; dissolve outmoded ego structures and clear the subconscious of repressive, patterned, conditioned ways of being; embody your highest potential, your unique SOULar System, with Reiki-infused vibrational medicine.