After an experimental exploration of the intersection between art and healing, I began to consider myself — an energy worker, hypnotherapist and crystal singing bowl practitioner — an “artist.” Since then, it’s become apparent that we ALL need healthy, effective, creative ways to safely process and express all we are able to sense, feel, channel…
Creativity is a whole brain function requiring logic, active imagination, and harmonious relationship between the masculine and feminine polarities. When the masculine (conscious, thinking) holds safe space for the feminine (subconscious, imagination) to relax and unfurl, inspiration enters and intuition arises; together in sacred union, the masculine and feminine aspects of Self seed and birth new potentials, possibilities and realities.
I wholeheartedly believe humans are on the planet NOW so we might learn to balance, honor, reunite masculine and feminine aspects of consciousness.
Perhaps we are ALL Sacred Artists seeking to re-create ourselves
as reflections of the Divine…
As I began to understand the intersection hypnosis, sound, brainwave entrainment, flow state and the creative process, I began to ponder how crystal singing bowls and might impact “artists who art.” A number of fine artists and I marry our inherent gifts to develop ritualized, collaborative, healing practice that explores the creative roles of the masculine and feminine.
If you are interested and able to support the arts, please donate!! The arts and entertainment communities have been severely impacted by this year’s quarantine. Your donation helps fund an extreme and expensive affection for crystal singing bowls, as well as unfolding artistic endeavors. Thank you for your generosity!
“I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.”
““Art is a wound turned into light.”
I once participated in an event hosted by Joanna Cameron, which resulted in an amazing, healing movie called #DrainThatPain… Did you know it's completely possible to RELEASE chronic pain and dis-ease*? Yes. Your mind and intention are incredibly powerful and with the proper guidance, you are capable of making miracles. I know this to be true because I've facilitated such shifts within my own practice, Presents of Mind!
It’s an honor to say my crystal singing alchemy bowls and quartz crystal pyramid were included in the opening of Drain ThatPain; my pages included in the recently published bedside reader version. Check out this sweet little video clip, the intro to the “Drain ThatPain” documentary… Perhaps as you watch you begin to feel, see, imagine your center of personal will harmonzing, glowing, radiating a warm yellow like the rays of the Sun.
“Harmony sinks deep into the recesses of the soul and takes its strongest hold there, bringing grace also to the body & mind. Music is a moral law; it gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything. It is the essence of order…”