Living the Waking Dream
i created this crystal grid and altar to afford psychic protection while navigating dreamspace thanks to Ocean Gold bowl, little Neptune, for activating and holding the sacred space. crystals: labradorite, lemurian quartz, shungite pyramid, brown tourmaline, smokey quartz, stromatolite, black obsidian, malachite awesome bust planter by @rosembarron
i’m of the mind we are living a WAKING dream, so i practice consciously guiding thought, word, action toward the life my heart truly desires. this also entails recognizing, releasing disempowered processes and wonky storylines — it’s important to pluck weeds AND plant seeds; doing so affords peace of mind and creates a sense of belonging on this planet, which in turn, affords the capacity to stay centered, embodied, present to whatever arises in this moment.
this practice of “mind gardening” is actually root chakra work. in Anatomy of the Spirit, Caroline Myss says, “The tribal [root] chakra represents our connection to both positive and negative group experiences. Epidemics are a negative group experience to which we can become energetically susceptible if our own personal first chakra fears and attitudes are similar to those held by the culture’s overall “first chakra.” Viral and other epidemics are very much a reflection of both the current social issues of the cultural tribe and the health of the social tribe’s “immune system.” This point is essential to note because each of us is connected through our first chakra attitudes to our culture and its attitudes.”
release painful processes.
release stress.
release the past.
forgive yourself, and
ground into the now.
if you need help, please reach out; it’s my honor and pleasure to hold space and illuminate the way.