
Healing Arts + Vibrational Medicine

Hello and welcome… You are in the right place!

My name is Becky Shanks, and I am grateful you've made your way to my rounded little corner of the interwebs. I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Sound Alchemist, Astrologer, Psychonaut, and Keeper of Sacred Space. My Atlanta-based quantum healing practice, Presents of Mind, is an alchemical, energetic, quantum healing practice anchored in hypnosis, regression and parts therapy. The practice blends hypnotherapy, energy healing and sound healing (crystal singing bowls) to guide Mind to harmonize conscious desires and subconscious beliefs.

I recently established, rebranded(?), birthed Crystal Star Alchemy alongside Presents of Mind: astrology-based vibrational medicine, frequency healing, alchemical sound meditation to support clients developing personal practice, integrate and cultivate sacred space created in sessions.

The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are;
rather, it is about unbecoming who you are not.” Albert Schweitzer

It is my purpose and joy to explore consciousness, liberate sticky energy, and love shadows into the Light; to help establish therapeutic dialogue between your Highest Self, the all-knowing subconscious and inner child, and your Present Self. This line of communication affords access to inspiration and inner resources, offering the wisdom and perspective necessary to release the pain of the past, rise above cultural and familial conditioning, and create the life you truly desire.

I attract awakening empaths and highly sensitive humans; people walking a spiritual path, creatives and blossoming artists; those recovering from codependent relationship and all forms of addiction. I help people release chronic emotional and physical discomfort*; calm anxiety, elevate depression, express anger, and manage grief. I also help people open, develop, and embody intuition — establish and strengthen communication with the Higher Self or Soul, navigate key life transitions, and begin living the lives their hearts desire. I also guide humans to anchor, contain, co-create with Feminine energy — deepen into the physical vessel, foster the optimal environment for healing, feel at home in the here and now with astrology and vibrational medicine.

If you are interested in Delores Cannon’s work, to include Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Past Life Regression Services, or Beyond Quantum Healing; galactic ancestry, Starseeds, ascension, multi-dimensionality, channeling, past life healing, extra-dimensional/terrestrial communication; metaphysical, spiritual, energetic, esoteric components of consciousness exploration… welcome!

You’re not crazy. You’re waking up ( :

I facilitate 1:1 quantum healing sessions and hold sacred space virtually via Zoom and in-person at Nectar Yoga in East Atlanta. I orchestrate monthly, LIVE alchemical sound healing sessions with crystal singing bowls at Pure Motion Yoga in Atlanta’s Morningside neighborhood and {FORM} Yoga in Decatur.

If you are curious about me or my hypnotic healing practice; if you are ready to re-member yourself in the now, empower the child inside, attune to the guidance of your Soul; if you have questions or comments, please schedule a 20-minute complimentary Discovery Call. It is my pleasure to discuss your needs, as well as how Presents of Mind might help lighten the load.  

~Becky Shanks

About Becky

Hi! My name is Becky Shanks, my friends call me Beckstar, and I am grateful for the opportunity to connect! Over 13 years ago, I used clinical hypnotherapy to quit smoking cigarettes. When I returned to full, waking consciousness, I thought to myself, “Hmmm… I could do that!,” and I never smoked again. In June 2013, I used hypnosis to release binge drinking, recognized I wanted to help people, and decided train in hypnotherapy.

Six months later, I began studying hypnosis and regression therapy with Jane Anne Covington in Atlanta. I opened my hypnotic healing practice, Presents of Mind, in February 2014, as soon as I received Master Hypnotist Certification stating I was qualified. I began studying Reiki later that year, and quickly realized the Japanese energy healing practice is completely hypnotic. As I incorporated energy healing into my hypnosis practice, I began tuning into and channeling clients’ Higher Selves, receiving and translating messages subconscious minds sought to convey, and delivering those messages by way of direct hypnotic suggestion: words.

The Subconscious weaves the quantum web underlying 3D reality;
thought dictates the structure, design, ethereal nature of that web.

In early 2016, I began studying Delores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, which guides people into theta, the hypnotic, relaxed state of mind we pass through when falling asleep and awakening each day. As I studied past life regression services, I could feel the energy of “The Subconscious” enhancing, amplifying my connection to Reiki. I pondered Reiki energy is akin to the potential buried in the Collective Unconscious; it’s Void energy, pure potential — simultaneously All That Is and No-Thing At All.

At the same time, crystal singing alchemy bowls began coming to me. I could sense the bowls had everything to do with my evolving practice. I also had no clue what that was…. I instantly fell in love with a Crystal Tones™ Celestite singing bowl and began exploring how tone, frequency, sound, vibration, metaphysical properties and intention of crystals; how singing alchemy bowls could effortlessly relax people into deepened, hypnotic states of mind (theta), activate emotion, and liberate stuck energy.

I currently study Bioacoustics and Sound Alchemy with pioneering Ani Williams (check out this INCREDIBLE talk on Youtube); Embodied Astrology with Galactic Priestess, Emily Trinkaus; Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology with astrologer Renn Butler; Energy Astrology with Dr. Lea Imsiragic; Crystal Light Healing with Simone Matthews.

I am also trained in medical hypnosis, but am by no means an M.D. I don't "treat" or “heal;” I facilitate a process whereby, in applying inherent, creative potential of mind and energy, you are empowered to heal yourself. I'm like a mind renovator... a brain trainer and energy alchemist, pleased to serve the Global Community via the www. With over 450-hours of clinical study and nearly 10 years of professional quantum healing and hypnosis practice, I am here to encourage and empower; to lead you deep into the core of your Being where possibilities are limitless. 

It is an honor to walk beside, and gently guide you along at this most pivotal point in your journey. If you have questions about my practice, services, hypnosis, energy work, the power of sound, or alchemy; if you are curious how quantum healing, hypnosis, Reiki, sound alchemy, starstuff can help; if you are interested in holding sacred space for small groups, classes or ceremonies, please schedule a Discovery Call. 

In Love,

Becky Shanks


I have LOTS of reviews on Google and Thumbtack; won Best Hypnotherapist Atlanta every time I entered the contest, and have been acknowledged as one of three top hypnotherapists in Atlanta. Here’s an article featuring my quantum healing practice, Presents of Mind. Below are tidbits shared by clients:

“I had lingering fears and mental "junk" leftover from my first birth experience and was aspiring for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Becky was very easy to talk to; it felt natural to share intimate details with her. When we finished, I felt alert, happy, and confident… I noticed a difference in my self-talk right away! I The hypnosis recording helped me remain calm and focused during my labor, which lasted a full 24-hours, and my son was born drug and IV-free via VBAC. "With Becky's help, I achieved a total transformation in just a few weeks! She helped bring my birth dreams to fruition, and I truly became my own birth role model. For that, and for her, I will be forever grateful! Becky is a true treasure.” ~Erin

“Okay, Becky, I REALLY need a session with you because you are my Yoda.” ~Bekah

"I went to see Becky because I had a strong dislike of water. Becky has a soothing and relaxing voice and I felt completely refreshed after our session. Becky's hypnosis took effect immediately! I feel healthier since, and have been drinking twice as much water as I ever did before! I can't wait to continue my work with Becky; I highly recommend her to help make a better you."  ~Mechelle